You’ve Been Boozed
In the spirt of fun, pass on this cute you’ve been boozed free printable just in time for some thirsty moms, neighbors, friends, family, or witches! Click here to downloadYou’ve been boozed printable, and read on for instructions
Supplies for a You’ve Been Boozed Halloween Treat
Buy a bottle of your preferred beverage, print the free you’ve been boozed Halloween tags, and tie or tape the tags to your spirits before delivery. To make it fun, I recommend a mask to keep your identity invisible!
Here are the supplies you need from amazon if you are in a hurry and don’t have time to shop for your you’ve been boozed gift! Click affiliate images to order. I love the twine because you can use it over and over for so many things, like Christmas or Valentine treat bags, stringing banners, and wrapping presents. It comes in lots of colors, but black can be mixed into almost every holiday! If you are feeling extra festive the polka dot ribbon adds an extra touch, but it’s not necessary. The Halloween themed washi tape is great to tape the tags to the bottle, but if you get the scotch tape you can use it to wrap Christmas presents, so I’ll leave it up to you! I’d love to see how you used these, so please share on my Facebook
Always Booze responsibly! I recommend delivering with a friend. My partner in crime also came up with the idea of saying “don’t shoot” as we made the drops. We were spotted a few times, and if you see a ring doorbell, make sure you do a little dance, I mean you’re wearing a mask, and people need a reason to smile!

If you love this, feel free to share it with friends and neighbors, it’s so fun to see everyone excited about Halloween! It’s not just for the kids anymore!

You’ve been boozed printable download link
Happy Booze-ing,
One Crafty Witch
Links in this post were shared to help you put together the easiest you’ve been boozed Halloween treats. A small percentage of your purchase from those links pay me. Which in turn allows me to create more fun, free printables and designs! Enjoy!